Friday, May 30, 2008

Reply to Dorit's week 3

Jason said...
Woman are working more than ever. Woman have gone to work and put that first and being the homemaker who takes care of the house and kids a distant second. Woman are becoming more like men every day. They are not focused on when am I having a child. They are more focused on when am I getting that promotion. That job should be mine. Each field has its discrimination. Education is all woman from top to bottom. I work in a field with both my jobs that is nothing but woman. My Supervisor have all been woman. But you go to a corporate business and see more men in higher roles and even though their are woman who hold strong positions, its not an equal level. I wouldn't say its discrimination, back then yes. Now it is to the point where it truly is every man or woman for themselves with a few exception. There are still jobs that will higher a man over a woman and a woman over a man. In the end expectations of woman are changing quickly than people think and Education is a dominant field for woman.

Reply to Tiffany Week 3

Jason said...
Skinny bitch is an offensive way to title a book that is suppose to help woman feel good about losing weight and eating healthy. Then again it seems all we do as a society is down play each other. Men we refer to each other in different words that are offensive. The book could have been titled Skinny in the Kitchen and get rid of the word bitch. Then again why does every girl have to be skinny. Ladies meat is good no need to be skinny with no curves. Remember like Shakira said in her song..Hips Dont Lie. But overall we need to find better ways to communicate with each other instead of putting us down even if the word Bitch is being used as describing someone's positive attitude.

Week 3: Expectations with Change!!!

I have to admit that I am looking forward to seeing the Sex and the City movie when it comes out. I think Cary should have ended with Edan and not BIG. I feel BIG and Cary probably may not end up getting married. I can’t believe that Steve is cheating on Miranda but there is probably more to it then what the preview is showing. The previews show a mix how both gender can make mistakes and either violate the norm or live up to what we label as stereotype. For example, each lady had a role they portrayed, Cary was the woman looking for love in all the wrong places, Charlotte wanted to be the perfect wife, Miranda was work focus, and Samantha was well if you saw the show you saw what Samantha was but the point here is that they all at some point went away from their norm and changed. We saw Charlotte cheat on her husband, Samantha finally giving in to a man, Miranda pausing her career to be with Steve and the kids in Brooklyn, and Cary battling her emotions and going from love, to in love, to being in love, to doubting love. Saying its ok to be confused about what you want because sometimes in life you do not always get it.

They took on gender patterns that are woman but in our society could be seen as men. Men are looked at as sluts, please excuse any slang I may use. We have that stereotype that we go from one girl to another. We are seen as we communicate with woman through music, body language, and etc. as possibly wanting one thing. You look at Sex in the City and certain characters show that men are not the only ones that act that way, woman are just as guilty. I feel personally our society is breaking away from the traditional roles through music, everyday life, etc. Woman are working more and being home less, Men are actually becoming more in tune with a woman’s feelings and believe or not want a family just as much as a woman does but you are seeing woman just not ready as we did in the past. Music and movies are changing the way we communicate are roles. I have to laugh when I see a girl rapping a 50 cent song and dancing like a guy. Whatever happened dancing and singing like a woman to a simple dance song. My expectations went from being engaged or married by now with a woman that would be honest and faithful. I’m 25 and I have yet to meet a woman like that and when I do, they happen to be my best friends. I’m not even thinking of engagement in fact it scares me because I see more and more divorce and people cheating on each other which makes me fear it all. Can a marriage honestly last in our society today with all the expectations we put on ourselves and on our genders? Funny how our best guy and girl friends are the most honest and loyal people we know but we would never date them. Why is that?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thank you guys

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their encouraging words that hey its ok for a guy to have a femine side to them. We try so hard to have that tough guy shell that we sometimes forget to have a soft side and may come across as prick or something worse. So thanks for the words of encouragement.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Business Class post week 2: I work with all Woman

All my life I have been surrounded by just woman. Basically every boss I've had has been a woman and all I do is work with woman. I was raised by my Grandma and mother. I had no dad and my Uncle was the only guy influence in my life. As a result growing up I have developed a femine side to me. Some of my favorite movies are Untamed Heart, The Notebook, and even P.S. I love you. I am very much in tune with my guy side from sports, to movies, to everything that our society has said this is what makes a man. I have been made fun of because I even watch Sex and the City which I am actually looking forward to seeing the movie by the way. I have never felt like I was confused about my sexuality or gender. The question I have is why can't a man be in touch with his femine side? Woman get all mad when a guy doesn't act romantic or show any interest in chick flicks. I mean come to my house and you will see my dvd list of chick flicks. In both of my jobs I am surrounded by woman and not that I mind. I always love hearing menstrual stories and woman complaining they can not find the right guy and instead go for the right now guy. I guess where I am getting at is this: Why do guys have a problem with another guy being in touch with his feminie side? Do woman really want a guy who is just a straight up guy who doesn't care to know that your shoes match your dress or a guy who wants to do a dinner and a movie? Since the class is about gender and communicating, perhaps someone can communicate with me that it is ok to be a rough guy with a soft heart.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pregnant Man

Our society has evolved our the years in regards to recognizing same sex marriages. I can not honestly say this is a pregnant man because she was a woman. A woman who became a man but has all of the female parts needed for childbirth. Will our society truly accept this transgender issue? Maybe or maybe not. One has to think what will the child think of this growing up. Children are affected tremendously by issues of divorce with parents, same sex parents, and now having a father who is truly a woman but is a man by taking pills. Will society accept this I don't think so, maybe a few groups have but the majority sees it as a woman married to a woman having a baby. In 10 years or sooner when the child gets older, that child may develop issues of its own identity and have troubles figuring out the norms of society. Society has generated certain norms that are allowed and others that should not be. Is this because religion plays a huge part in our society in terms of what is right and what is wrong? Only time will tell if this pregnancy becomes a success not because they have the child but if that child can grow up in a society where she will be looked at differently. The child will be seen as the child whos parents are both females and one of them decided to change her outside appearance to look like a man. Or perhaps nothing will happen and they all will live happy lives. Then again does our society allow us to live happily ever after. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hey everyone, hope this will be a fun and enjoying class. Looking forward to some interesting coversations.