Friday, May 30, 2008

Week 3: Expectations with Change!!!

I have to admit that I am looking forward to seeing the Sex and the City movie when it comes out. I think Cary should have ended with Edan and not BIG. I feel BIG and Cary probably may not end up getting married. I can’t believe that Steve is cheating on Miranda but there is probably more to it then what the preview is showing. The previews show a mix how both gender can make mistakes and either violate the norm or live up to what we label as stereotype. For example, each lady had a role they portrayed, Cary was the woman looking for love in all the wrong places, Charlotte wanted to be the perfect wife, Miranda was work focus, and Samantha was well if you saw the show you saw what Samantha was but the point here is that they all at some point went away from their norm and changed. We saw Charlotte cheat on her husband, Samantha finally giving in to a man, Miranda pausing her career to be with Steve and the kids in Brooklyn, and Cary battling her emotions and going from love, to in love, to being in love, to doubting love. Saying its ok to be confused about what you want because sometimes in life you do not always get it.

They took on gender patterns that are woman but in our society could be seen as men. Men are looked at as sluts, please excuse any slang I may use. We have that stereotype that we go from one girl to another. We are seen as we communicate with woman through music, body language, and etc. as possibly wanting one thing. You look at Sex in the City and certain characters show that men are not the only ones that act that way, woman are just as guilty. I feel personally our society is breaking away from the traditional roles through music, everyday life, etc. Woman are working more and being home less, Men are actually becoming more in tune with a woman’s feelings and believe or not want a family just as much as a woman does but you are seeing woman just not ready as we did in the past. Music and movies are changing the way we communicate are roles. I have to laugh when I see a girl rapping a 50 cent song and dancing like a guy. Whatever happened dancing and singing like a woman to a simple dance song. My expectations went from being engaged or married by now with a woman that would be honest and faithful. I’m 25 and I have yet to meet a woman like that and when I do, they happen to be my best friends. I’m not even thinking of engagement in fact it scares me because I see more and more divorce and people cheating on each other which makes me fear it all. Can a marriage honestly last in our society today with all the expectations we put on ourselves and on our genders? Funny how our best guy and girl friends are the most honest and loyal people we know but we would never date them. Why is that?


blackwelder said...

I’m dying to see the movie too. I started watching the show from the first season but stop watching by the third season. It became a commercial to me and I got turn off by all the marketing. Love the stereotypes; I believe men and women have the same issues about commitment and trying to settle with the right person. Women are stronger and more independent than before and they are coping the male dating style. Very few times I heard girls talking about dating different guys at the same time but now is like a rule, especially in the reality TV shows, is the template for success. Perhaps this shows are allowing women to see different ways to get the ONE. Dating friends is extremely hard if there is at least spiritual, emotional or sexual chemistry is hard to make something work…The problem is when that chemistry runs out what’s next……

Tiffany said...

I have to admit that when I read your first paragraph, I had absolutely no idea what you were talking about. I am probably one of the few that did not fall madly in love with "Sex and the City". Sometimes I watch the reruns on tv now, but I am not in love with it, nor am I going to see the movie. I am not dissing it, I just never got in to it. It is funny though. I like Cary from the shows I have seen, and Samantha is a character in herself.

As far as expectations go, I actually expect things to be different or changed. Our best friends are the ones who can fulfill the needs that a lover cannot; trust for example, or memories. Memories with a best friend are very different than memories with someone you love. Divorce is something that is used and abused just because it is there. People resort to that because they are afraid of making a commitment or helping each other out to fix the problems. Don't worry about that! You're still young. Get a life going first, then worry about divorce! (Just kidding, of course! lol)

Sofia Blackwelder said...
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