Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pregnant Man

Our society has evolved our the years in regards to recognizing same sex marriages. I can not honestly say this is a pregnant man because she was a woman. A woman who became a man but has all of the female parts needed for childbirth. Will our society truly accept this transgender issue? Maybe or maybe not. One has to think what will the child think of this growing up. Children are affected tremendously by issues of divorce with parents, same sex parents, and now having a father who is truly a woman but is a man by taking pills. Will society accept this I don't think so, maybe a few groups have but the majority sees it as a woman married to a woman having a baby. In 10 years or sooner when the child gets older, that child may develop issues of its own identity and have troubles figuring out the norms of society. Society has generated certain norms that are allowed and others that should not be. Is this because religion plays a huge part in our society in terms of what is right and what is wrong? Only time will tell if this pregnancy becomes a success not because they have the child but if that child can grow up in a society where she will be looked at differently. The child will be seen as the child whos parents are both females and one of them decided to change her outside appearance to look like a man. Or perhaps nothing will happen and they all will live happy lives. Then again does our society allow us to live happily ever after. Only time will tell.

1 comment:

Prof.M said...

Jason, you make an interesting point. Will the child have trouble identifying with same sex gender? You hav the right idea with this post. This week come up with your own gender issue and post it. Also, see the BB discussion boards on directions how to send a copy of your replies to your blog. Good start!